“How do you do it ?” – Culture – Health Program
With Jeanne Bouillard
Building on the connections established between Les Ailes Déployées, a mental health support association, and Bétonsalon since 2024 through the “Young Mediators Program” in Sylvie Fanchon’s exhibition “SOFARSOGOOD”, the project “How Do You Do It?” supports several groups of teenagers and young adults—attending the day units of Espace Ados (for teenagers), Espace Jeunes Adultes (EJA), and Espace Mogador (for adults)—in writing, designing, and producing an editorial mediation tool aimed at young audiences. The Bétonpapier is a playful illustrated publication for children aged 6–11 that helps youngs people discover exhibitions. Each issue is created in collaboration with an invited young illustrator and the graphic design studio Catalogue Général :
• For the exhibition “UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE PRELUDE – Institutional Lives” by Florian Fouché, teenagers from Espace Ados will collaborate with illustrator Jeanne Bouillard and will offer a guided tour for users of Espace Jeunes Adultes.
• For Hedwig Houben’s exhibition, young adults from EJA will collaborate with an invited illustrator and will offer a guided tour for users of Espace Ados.
• For Orla Barry’s exhibition, adults of Espace Mogador will collaborate with an invited illustrator and will offer a guided tour for users of Espace Ados and EJA.
By placing at the heart of the project the participants’ appropriation of the art center space and the practices of invited artists, “How Do You Do It?” brings participants’ voices into the narratives shared with audiences throughout the exhibitions. It questions institutional discourse and so-called legitimate knowledge about artworks, as well as the expected roles and functions of art professionals and visitors.
Jeanne Bouillard
Born in Besançon in 2000, Jeanne Bouillard moves between Normandy, Franche-Comté and station platforms.
Starting from the unusual in public spaces and social relationships, she collects what she observes and draws what she feels. Her studies in publishing at ESAM in Caen and a semester in illustration in Hamburg have enabled her to use the book as a bridge between diary and documentary. She has broadened her horizons to include printmaking since taking courses at places dedicated to printing, such as La Métairie Bruyère (Parly) and Le Tache Papier (Dijon). Her stories are inspired by singular experiences, sentimental relationships and absurd dialogues – all situations that she deems conducive to (often) humorous storytelling.
Assuming a form of voyeurism, she seeks out narrative spaces where she can tell her story and reverse the roles of spectator and actor, as a form of unconscious exchange with those she writes about and who allow her to do so.
As a teacher of art for the general public (ésam, Caen), and a facilitator of handmade printing workshops for cultural events (Impressions Multiples, Caen, Rand!art, Besançon…), she seeks and proposes ways of making printmaking and drawing more accessible to all.
This project is carried out in partnership with the Les Ailes Déployées Association and as part of the Culture – Health Program ; it is supported by the DRAC Île-de-France and the ARS (Regional Health Agency).