© Bétonsalon – Centre d’art et de recherche, 2024

Editorial conception: Elena Lespes Muñoz, with the Bétonsalon team
Proofreadings: Clémentine Rougier
Translations: Annie-Rose Harrison-Dunn, Louise Jablonowska, Anna Knight, Boris Kremer
Graphic design: based on mock-ups by Catalogue Général
Web development and programming: MB

The works in the ADAGP repertoire (www.adagp.fr) published on this site may not be reproduced or communicated to the public, in whole or in part, without prior authorization from ADAGP. ADAGP expressly prohibits any reproduction of the works in its repertoire and the data related to them, such as the title or the author’s name, for the purpose of text and data mining, particularly when intended to feed or train artificial intelligence systems designed or adapted to generate creations, such as images or audiovisual content, for public dissemination. This prohibition, expressed in accordance with the provisions of Article R. 122-8 of the French Intellectual Property Code, is also stated, in compliance with the TDMRep protocol available at www.w3.org/2022/tdmrep, as follows: <TDM-RESERVATION: 1>.

Bétonsalon – Centre for Art and Research is supported by the City of Paris, the Île-de-France Regional Board of Cultural Affairs – Ministry of Culture, and the Île-de-France Region, with the collaboration of Université Paris Cité.

Bétonsalon – Centre for Art and Research is a cultural institution of the City of Paris, certified institution of national interest by the Ministry of Culture.

Bétonsalon – Centre for Art and Research is member of d.c.a. / association for the development of art centers in France, Tram, réseau art contemporain Paris/ Île-de-France, and Arts en résidence – Réseau national and BLA! – national association of mediation professionals in contemporary art, as well as a partner of the Souffleurs d’Images service for access to culture for blind and visually impaired people.

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